i love my mind is a MOCHNI initiative dedicated to creating a safe and inclusive space that empowers individuals to connect over shared experiences fostering holistic well-being and personal growth. We recognized the need of a positive, stigma-free environment, where people can consciously discuss their journeys and feel heard and understood. So we created i love my mind as a community where individuals come together in local groups to share, explore, and inspire self-awareness, while strengthening the powerful mind-body-soul connection.
Join Our Local Communities
Imagine a world with 100% ADHD minds — that would be a confetti world! Are you among the 2-3% of adults in the world navigating life in mainstream society with ADHD and looking for kindred spirits who truly understand your superpower?
We celebrate neurodiversity and bring together creative, highly sensitive ADHD minds who love to wander, wonder, and explore, embracing the unique strengths that come with living with ADHD.
Individuals with an ADHD diagnosis seeking like-minded connections and a sense of well-being through community empowerment on their ADHD journey. If you’re loving new stimuli, bursting with stories, and can’t wait to speak what’s on your mind. We’ve got you! Our chill-but-also-vibrant space is here for you to express your wildest ideas, brain blasts, thought fog moments, highs and lows, and everything in between.
A welcoming and relaxed gathering that offers an opportunity to share, explore, and inspire one another, while fostering community, self-awareness, and mindfulness.
This group has limited spaces and will launch soon. To join the waitlist and receive updates, email us at ilovemymind@mochni.com.
Are you an Endo Warrior fighting invisible pain, dealing with (not-so-pregnant) Endobelly, or navigating fertility worries, and looking for women who understand your mind-body connection?
We bring together women with endometriosis who know the unique challenges and emotional impact of this chronic disease, embracing the incredible strength and resilience that comes from living with Endo.
Women with an endometriosis diagnosis seeking like-minded connections and a sense of well-being through community empowerment on their Endo journey. Our supportive feminine space is here for you to express your moments of raw feelings, highs and lows, and everything in between.
A welcoming and relaxed gathering that offers an opportunity to share, explore, and inspire one another, while fostering community, self-awareness, and mindfulness.
This group has limited spaces and will launch soon. To join the waitlist and receive updates, email us at ilovemymind@mochni.com.
Are you living with Hashimoto’s, where unbalanced thyroid hormones sometimes take their toll? The origins of symptoms like fatigue, irritability, forgetfulness, and low energy may not always be clear, but your mindfulness of environmental stressors helps strengthen your mind-body connection?
We bring together individuals with Hashimoto’s who understand the unique challenges of this autoimmune disease, embracing the adaptability that comes from living with it. Because in balance, we thrive.
Anyone with a Hashimoto’s diagnosis seeking like-minded connections and a sense of well-being through community empowerment on their Hashimoto’s journey. Our calm space is here for you to express your unique symptoms and attract new energy.
A welcoming and relaxed gathering that offers an opportunity to share, explore, and inspire one another, while fostering community, self-awareness, and mindfulness.
This group has limited spaces and will launch soon. To join the waitlist and receive updates, email us at ilovemymind@mochni.com.
Imagine a world with 100% ADHD minds — that would be a confetti world! Are you among the 2-3% of adults in the world navigating life in mainstream society with ADHD and looking for kindred spirits who truly understand your superpower?
We celebrate neurodiversity and bring together creative, highly sensitive ADHD minds who love to wander, wonder, and explore, embracing the unique strengths that come with living with ADHD.
Individuals with an ADHD diagnosis seeking like-minded connections and a sense of well-being through community empowerment on their ADHD journey. If you’re loving new stimuli, bursting with stories, and can’t wait to speak what’s on your mind. We’ve got you! Our chill-but-also-vibrant space is here for you to express your wildest ideas, brain blasts, thought fog moments, highs and lows, and everything in between.
A welcoming and relaxed gathering that offers an opportunity to share, explore, and inspire one another, while fostering community, self-awareness, and mindfulness.
This group has limited spaces and will launch soon. To join the waitlist and receive updates, email us at ilovemymind@mochni.com.
Are you an endo warrior fighting invisible pain, dealing with (not-so-pregnant) endo belly, or navigating fertility worries, and looking for women who understand your mind-body connection?
We bring together women with endometriosis who know the unique challenges and emotional impact of this chronic disease, embracing the incredible strength and resilience that comes from living with Endo.
Women with an endometriosis diagnosis seeking like-minded connections and a sense of well-being through community empowerment on their Endo journey. Our supportive feminine space is here for you to express your moments of raw feelings, highs and lows, and everything in between.
A welcoming and relaxed gathering that offers an opportunity to share, explore, and inspire one another, while fostering community, self-awareness, and mindfulness.
This group has limited spaces and will launch soon. To join the waitlist and receive updates, email us at ilovemymind@mochni.com.
More topics and cities will be added over time.
What’s on your mind? We’d love to hear from you! Feel free to share your thoughts with us at ilovemymind@mochni.com.
MOCHNI does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Any content published on this website, in articles, or presented during live events is for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice. Always consult a qualified health or mental health professional with any questions or concerns about your health.
© MOCHNI 2015-2025